Mana Light Blue

This is not just a color change of the original Silver Oracle deck. This deck has evolved into something altogether new, special and unique. We decided that this would not be an Oracle deck, but rather something that was inspired by the spirit of the Oracle and thus Mana No.3 was born.

To many magicians and cardists and even some collectors, “Sybil” is synonymous to the famous card flourish that has become the basic foundation to many cardistry techniques today. It was the inspiration to the Oracle Cut created by Erik Mana when the Oracle deck was first launched. And you can see the Oracle Cut being performed in the Joker card of the Oracle deck.

But in ancient times oracles went by a different name…Sybil. Sybils were know as prophetess and were regularly sought out for divine advice. Playing cards too have divine elements and have been used in divination and magic for centuries, which is why the Oracle & Sybil decks will always have a special kinship in it’s design.

Sybil brings that special silver 3D effect back with a more enhanced finish by EPCC and now it comes in gold and platinum. We also have new design elements from back to face to box. A completely new deck with the spirit of the original Oracle flowing in its vines.